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Control ARDUINO compatible boards from your Phone

Wireless Technology
for your Project
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The Application turns your phone into a virtual device and lets you easily create projects and interact with your Arduino boards. The App allows you to wirelessly control your Arduino boards via Bluetooth Low Energy and provides software modules to control the boards. The App also lets you send commands directly to the boards and get data from the sensors at fast speed.
The Application provides a dashboard module to create custom screens for your project. You can create a custom screen for each stage of your project and dynamically navigate between the screens from the dashboard. The dashboard includes all the components that you need to create a great screen for your project, including text fields to display the sensors data, buttons, sliders, and switches.
With this App you can easily add and remove the components using the dashboard and set the custom description for each component.
The dashboard also comes with a color picker and with a text messenger. The messenger allows you to send messages to your board, display the text on LCD screen, and get text messages back from the board. The app also includes preloaded modules to communicate with your projects.
ARD BLE Tools includes the preloaded software modules to control your boards via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE):
Scanner to connect your board to Smartphone​
​Home screen to select the module for your project
Car/Robot Control
Dashboard to create the custom screen for your project
LEDs Control
Thermostat and FAN Control
Environmental Sensors
Color Picker
How the App Works
BLE Device Scanner
The module allows you to wirelessly connect your Arduino board with your smartphone. The module makes the process smooth and easy. You can use inbuilt filters to quickly find the board from the list of available devices and connect the board to the phone.
The App supports the popular ARDUINO boards, such as Arduino NANO ESP32, MKR boards, MKR Internet of Things Carriers, and Arduino Robot Car ALVIK.

Tools Select
The home screen of the App has a list of all the available tools. The list is scrollable and provides easy access the tools. You can assess the list and select a new tool for your project at any time by clicking on the home screen icon.

Car/Robot Control
The module includes the components needed to control the Robot Car and to set up the speed and positions of the servo motors.
The module displays the car’s battery charge and the data from the distance sensor. It can also get the data about the car’s status and position. The module is also used to send commands to the car.
You can control the speed of the car and servo motor position directly from your phone.
The module is also able to control the new Arduino Robot Car ALVIK.

The module allows you to create custom screens for your Arduino project.
The screens can be customized with all the necessary components, such as buttons, sliders, switches and text fields displaying the sensors’ data. You can also access the color picker and the text messenger from the dashboard. The module makes the process of adding and removing the components smooth and easy. You can also set custom description for each component.
The module also empowers you to dynamically modify the phone screen in your Arduino board program, while the program is running.

LEDs Control
This module controls 5 RGB LEDs and lets you select the color and brightness for each LED. The module supports communication with Arduino Internet of Things Carrier.

Thermostat and FAN
This module enables you to set the thermostat temperature and FAN speed. The module is also used to read and display data from the sensors, including temperature, humidity and pressure sensors.
The module supports communication with Arduino Internet of Things Carriers.

Environmental Sensors
This module allows you to read and display data from the environmental sensors, including temperature, humidity, pressure and ambient light sensors.
The module supports communication with Arduino Internet of Things Carriers.

Color Picker
You can select a color and send the RGB value to your board using the module.
The module supports communication with Arduino Internet of Things Carriers.

The module enables the text messenger to send and display text on LCD screen and to receive text messages back from your board.
The module supports communication with Arduino Internet of Things Carriers.